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The Benton County Historical Society (located at 306 NW 2" Street in Bentonville, AR) was formed in 1954 by a handful of concerned citizens who wanted to ensure that the history of Benton County, Arkansas would be recorded and passed on to succeeding generations. The Society now has members throughout the county and in many other states. Those with roots in Benton County, Arkansas and interested newcomers alike, are helping to keep our heritage alive and available, despite the tremendous pace of recent growth.
The Society has also assumed responsibility for maintaining historical markers and monuments which BCHS helped to erect throughout Benton County, Arkansas. These markers and monuments permanently identify the location of Civil War battles and other historic incidents.
The office and library of the Benton County Historical Society are housed in the historic 1866 School House, 306 NW 2" Street, Bentonville, located only 2 blocks west of the historic Bentonville Square.
The Benton County Historical Society is a community-based non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, recounting, publishing, and otherwise preserving and sharing the history of Benton County, Arkansas. Since our creation in 1954, we have been recognized as one of the oldest historical societies in the state. With the help of our tireless staff, we organize fundraisers, exciting community-building events, and in-depth training sessions for our volunteers.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, memberships, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Note: The Benton County Historical Society operates as a non-profit corporation (Federal Tax ID #71-0531085) as defined in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Leah Whitehead, President
Don Barnett, Recording Secretary
Quintin Trammell, Treasurer
Don Barnett, Pioneer Editor
Don Barnett - Board Member 2022
Patricia Heck - Board Member 2021
Larry Horton - Board Member 2020
Marlene Sands - Board Member 2018
Jane Scates - Board Member 2013
The Benton County Pioneer is the official journal of the Benton County Historical Society, Inc., a non-profit Arkansas corporation founded in 1954 to promote and preserve the history of Benton County, Arkansas.
Considerable care is used in compiling and editing the Pioneer, but we cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions. All articles or photographs for submission should be sent to the Pioneer Editor and must not violate U. S. Copyright laws. All articles are subject to review and editing by the Editor.
Opinions expressed in the Pioneer are those of the Editor or contributors. They do not represent official views of the Benton County Historical Society, Inc., its members, officers or directors unless so stated.
The Benton County Pioneer is published four times a year in March, June, September, and December by the Benton County Historical Society.
We want your stories!
Submitting books to be reviewed: Pioneer Editor Leah Whitehead will gladly consider reviewing your book on local history in the Pioneer. Please send your request and a copy of the book to be reviewed to Leah at our address listed below. All books submitted for review will be considered a donation to the BCHS library. Your donation will be recognized in the Pioneer although we may not publish a review for every book submitted due to space.
Articles submitted for publishing: Please send general submissions to Publications (see address below). Articles should have some connection to Benton County and NW Arkansas or be of general interest to our members. Interviews of Veterans, memories of when you were young, church gatherings, picnics, parades, school graduations, weddings, reunions, old Bible records, or readings from an old cemetery are all items of interest. There is not a set length to articles. Most average 2-6 pages. Pictures add a lot to your story. Larger articles may be split and carried over in two issues instead of one.
Publications - General Submissions
Benton Co. Historical Society
306 NW 2" Street
Bentonville, AR 72712
Change of Address: To maintain timely delivery of the Pioneer, please notify the BCHS when you change your address by either mail or email. Return postage costs are rising and we do not want you to miss your latest issue of The Benton County Pioneer.